January 28, 2015

Lately on Instagram

Yesterday was a big moment for me when I stood in the middle of the big lawn at my school and snapped a pic of my new tarte lipstick.  Many people were passing by while hustling to their next class and normally I'd be too self conscious to snap a pic in public, but I decided to do it and I'm happy I did.  Who cares if people think I'm strange for stopping to take a picture of my lipstick?

Today I've decided to share a few shots from my instagram feed lately.  (if you're not following along, I'm @dashofserendipity on the 'gram!)

A photo posted by Emma (@dashofserendipity) on

A photo posted by Emma (@dashofserendipity) on

A photo posted by Emma (@dashofserendipity) on

A photo posted by Emma (@dashofserendipity) on

A photo posted by Emma (@dashofserendipity) on

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