August 22, 2016

Tips for College Freshmen

Happy first week of school! (Well, for me at least).  Many of you have already gone back to school, but for others, you may still have a few weeks.  It’s always exciting to come back to college after a summer away from all my friends and favorite places near campus.  

This year is extra exciting because my brother is a freshman at my school! It’s pretty fun that my brother decided to go to the same school as me, but also makes me realize that it’s been awhile since I was in his shoes.  College goes by so fast, guys! If you’re starting your freshman year: cherish it.  I feel like in a blink of an eye I’m already starting my junior year, which I don’t feel old enough to be doing yet.  

I’ve been trying to give my brother every ounce of advice I could give him before he started.  I realized that I didn’t have anyone really to give me advice when I started, and honestly I was probably a major fish out of water.  So if you don’t have older siblings or someone to give you all the tips, you’re in luck! 

1. Be Friendly. During the first few weeks you are going to meet so many different people that it might get overwhelming.  My biggest piece of advice would just to be nice to everyone.  You never know who you meet will be in one of your classes down the line or become your best friend. The best way to start the year is to see everything as an opportunity to make friends.  If you’re in class, say hello to the people sitting around you because you may see them later! Some of my best friends I made in the first few weeks were people I recognized from my classes! 

2. Go out.  Don’t go anywhere truly outside of your comfort zone, but if people in your dorm are going to grab dinner or going to the movies, don’t let yourself turn them down in favor of sitting in your room watching netflix.  For me, the first few weeks of college were a little overwhelming because I’m a little bit of an introvert so I like to have a little time to myself.  But, during those first weeks it was hard not to feel like you are always with someone.  But I promise after the first month or so I definitely got time to myself and I got comfortable turning down a night out every once in awhile because I had a great group of friends.  

3. Get involved. The first week at my school organizations really try to recruit new members! Whether it’s something like Relay for Life, student senate, or greek life it’s nice to be part of something.  Plus, joining an organization early in your college career is great for potential leadership roles down the line, which look great to future employers! 


  1. My sister is also a freshman at my college this year which is awesome! Definitely think this advice is so important!

    Elegantly Casey

  2. Loved this! I start my freshman year next week and this post is so helpful!

    Ashley //

  3. It's a great advice, definitely I wish I had known it in my first year!

    The Pink Traveller



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