January 1, 2018

17 Favorite Things from 2017

Happy New Year everyone!! The start of a brand new year and the perfect opportunity to kick those resolutions into gear.

As the year wraps up, I've done some reflecting on some great things over the past year and thought about rounding them up for today's post, the first of 2018! I have tried my hardest to look back on the entire year so that this post is really representative of the year itself, not just the past few months.

So without further ado, in no particular order at all... my 17 favorite things from 2017!

1. According to Spotify my top 5 favorite songs were, Heavenly Father by Fundamentally Sound (such a good a capella song!), Guiding Light by Foy Vance & Ed Sheeran, From the Dining Table by Harry Styles, 8Teen by Khalid and Feel It Still by Portugal, The Man!

2. This yellow gingham set was hands down my favorite outfit of 2017. I can't wait until the weather gets warmer and I hopefully find more occasions to break it out of my closet.

3. I read some great books like Sisters First and I am Pilgrim.

4. My spring break trip to Miami was so fun and I was blown away by how much I loved the city.

5. My dog, Ellie!! I can't believe we have only had her since April. It feels like she has been in my life forever. I love her so much. She's such a funny little dog, but the sweetest thing is to see her cherish her stuffed animal "snuggle puppy", she carries it to bed with her every night and around the house.

6.  The Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic was so much fun back in June and I can't wait to hopefully head back again this year.

7. Took a trip to Martha's Vineyard, one of my favorite places, with my family over the summer. I always love getting to spend time there.

8.  Some shows I've loved this year: Stranger Things, Game of Thrones and The Handmaid's Tale!

9. Had a fun summer in the city complete with trips to new restaurants (new favorite: Pecora Bianca in Flatiron), Tea at the Plaza and walks on the Highline!

10. Celebrated my 21st birthday with my friends and a fun Veuve Clicquot Rosé shaped cake. It was so delicious.

11. Served as my sorority's Vice President of Public Relations was a lot of fun! I got to design some apparel, manage other officers, and plan a fun back to school party complete with giveaways, a photo booth, and a delicious cake!

12. Went on a trip to Las Vegas with most of the senior class at my school, which was so much fun and probably unlike anything I'll ever experience again because there were so many people I knew in the city all at once. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the city and it was fun to explore.

13. I started a lot of needlepoint projects and finished a few too! I can't wait to get the cute shift dress ornament back and to finish all of the fun projects I started!

14. My final football season as a student at SMU was filled with a lot of fun brunches, "boulevards" (our version of a tailgate) and memories! My favorite gameday was when my friends and I made food at one of our friends' apartment before an early game.

15. Learned so much interning for a large advertising agency in NYC over the summer. I loved getting the opportunity to learn from some really talented people while strengthening my professional skills.

16. Successfully blogged for 24 days straight for 24 Days of Dash of Serendipity, which probably seems a lot easier than it was. So glad I was able to complete the challenge!

17. Getting to document anything and everything here on the blog! It's like my not-so-personal diary and I really love it. Getting to look back on my life and how I've grown over the past year is soemthing I cherish.

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