June 3, 2016

Friday Finds 6.4.16

Happy National Donut Day! 

It's the first weekend in June, but the summer weather isn't here.  Rain is in the forecast all weekend, which kind of ruins my plans of taking a bunch of outfit photos and heading to the pool to catch some sun.  But, this probably works out because I still haven't unpacked from school (oops!). Probably should get to that this weekend! What are ya'll up to?

Me Before You // The adaptation of the bestseller, Me Before You, comes out today! Are any of you planning on seeing it tonight? I have to admit, it looks pretty good.  I haven't read the book, and when I first started watching the commercials I thought it looked to cheesy, but I think I'm hooked.  I want to see it.

Procreate & iPad Pro // If you saw yesterday's post, you'll know that I've recently started playing around with calligraphy on an iPad! It's such a fun way to sort of digitalize my calligraphy (and it's way easier to be able to simply "delete" any mistakes and start over on an iPad!).  I've found the app Procreate, which completely blew my mind.  I can't believe what the iPad Pro is capable of in terms of calligraphy! 

This week on Dash of Serendipity

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