May 26, 2016

10 Graduation Gifts for Gals

Graduation season is in full swing.  While college graduations may be winding down, high school graduations are quickly approaching.  My little brother graduates from high school in about two weeks! It makes me think how crazy it is that time goes by so quickly.  It feels like just a few months ago I was graduating from high school, and now I'm going to be a junior in college.  

Graduation gifts are a little tricky sometimes.  What's appropriate for a graduation gift vs a birthday gift? Personally, I feel like there can be a lot of overlapping, but something that might be nice in a grad gift, would be to include why you chose this gift in a card or note! For example, if you gave someone the S'well water bottle, add a note saying you could see them bringing it to their new job, or using it in college! The small touch shows the thought behind the gift, and makes it feel a little more personal too! 

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