June 3, 2015

How to Have a Great Experience Living with a Roommate

Living with someone else can be difficult.  Especially when you're living so close to that person.  College dorms squeeze two people (usually strangers) into a tiny room for a year.  I was lucky enough to have an amazing experience living with my room mate this year.  I know that many of you will be going into your freshman year and are anxious about living with another person, so I am here to share my tips on how to have the best roommate experience possible!

I was so lucky to find such an amazing room mate my freshman year.  I wasn't too nervous going into the year about the whole room mate situation, but looking back I couldn't imagine not getting along with my room mate.  I've heard some horror stories, so I'm sharing my tips on how to (hopefully) have an experience like mine! 

Fun fact: my room mate and I met on tumblr actually! You can see her fun outfit post I did on the blog over spring break, here!

Be Honest 
This is something that is super important to do from the very beginning.  A lot of people find their roommates on Facebook so make sure you're in your school's Facebook group for your class! It's a great way to find possible roommates, but it can get a little awkward.  You're basically doing some online "dating".  While talking with possible room mates, remember to be honest with yourself.  If this girl looks really cool but seems like she's into things you might necessarily be cool with, don't room with her.  Remember that this person will be living with you so if there into things that you're not comfortable with, or there's something a little off, that could affect how you feel about being in your room next year! There's a few people I know that avoid their room at all costs because they're room mate isn't the greatest.  I can't imagine wanting to avoid my room.

Move in day can be stressful, but it can go smoother if you and your room mate communicate with each other before hand.  How will you decide who gets which side of the room? Communication is key in living with another person.  Asking if the other person doesn't mind if your desk lamp on after they've gone to sleep can go along way.  Just by asking before you do things that your roommate may find inconsiderate can prevent uglier situations in the future.

It's unnecessary for you and your room mate to each bring a printer and a fridge so offer to purchase a few things and share them with her.  My room mate bought the fridge and I bought the printer and a small bookshelf that's between our beds.  We both use them and at the end of the year we can take our own items back with us!

Be Considerate
If your room mate has a big test the following day, don't come back into your room late at night and make a lot of noise.  You wouldn't like that so you can guess that neither does she.  If you're considerate about what's going on in your room mate's life chances are she'll do the same for you!

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