April 5, 2016

Life Lately

Hello, peeps! It's been awhile since I just wrote a post about my life.  These past few months have gone by insanely fast, and it's crazy to think that the end of the semester is coming up.  I feel like the next few weeks will fly by, which makes me a little nervous because I (still) don't exactly know what I'm doing this summer.

If you follow me on Instagram, you might have heard that I was accepted into the digital media advertising program at my school, Southern Methodist University (!!!!!!).  I put my all into my application and pre-requesite classes, so the past few weeks of waiting to hear back has been tough.  But, on Thursday I opened up my laptop and got a email that I had been accepted! Only 15 people get accepted into the major each year so I'm very grateful that I was one of those students selected this year.

As I said in my Instagram post, I don't think I would have been accepted to the program without all of you. I was able to talk about my blog and the success it's had so far and could kind of use it as an example that I can be apart of the digital advertising community because I already am.  So, THANK YOU for reading and making this blog successful!

On another note, I'm working hard to try and be more organized and prepared with the things I'm posting on here! I'm hopefully going to get out to shoot more outfits soon and really want to get working on a redesign (if you work on designing blogs or know someone who does please let me know!!)

I also really want to make sure I'm posting what you want to see! So please leave a comment with any post requests!

1 comment:

  1. So fun that you discussed blogging in your application, congrats Emma!
    xo, Syd



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