October 2, 2017

Daisy Lace

Happy Monday! It's hard to believe that we're at the beginning of October already! I know I say it all the time, but it's crazy how fast time passes. I'd love if my senior year would slow down already. Fall break is already next week and I'm heading to Las Vegas! More about that to come later in the week probably, but for now, I'm sharing this cute, dainty outfit that I wore for our parents weekend football game. 

I fell in love with this top the moment I saw it. I really hoped I liked what it looked like when I tried it on because I loved the dainty lace detail and the color.  I've come to realize that a lot of the clothes I own are this shade of blue, so I must really love it! 


  1. This lace top is so cute! I love the pattern and color! :)

    xo, Chloe // https://funinthecloset.com/measurable-difference-having-fun-with-your-every-day-makeup/



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